
ChangeMyFile – Terms of Use

The ‘Terms of Use’ listed in this Agreement constitute the various Terms and Conditions, on the basis of which, ChangeMyFile (referred throughout this document as ‘ChangeMyFile’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, ‘its’, and ‘our entity’) shall provide its ‘offerings’ or ‘services’ to ‘you’, the ‘Customer’, ‘User’, ‘Visitor’, or ‘Enterprise’ (referred throughout this document as ‘you’ and ‘your’). ChangeMyFile provides a platform, our website which shall enable the customer to make use of our offerings, by uploading their electronic files onto our website, in order to convert them to the desired formats (extension types).

By definition, for the sake of this Agreement, ‘You’, the ‘Customer’, ‘User’, ‘Visitor’, or ‘Enterprise’ refers to the individual or the corporation making use of ChangeMyFile’s offerings of file conversion. Your use of our entity’s offerings is firmly conditioned upon your agreement with all our Terms of Use. By using our entity’s offerings, you are automatically agreeing to comply with, and be bound by all the Terms of Use set forth in this Agreement, as well as conform to ChangeMyFile’s Privacy Policy.

By using our offerings and thus, agreeing to our Terms of Use, you also acknowledge that ChangeMyFile holds the right to revise, and incorporate new terms of use into its Terms of Use Agreement, at any point of time in the future, without prior notice to you. You expressly agree to comply with any and all such revisions to this Agreement, and the continued use of our entity’s offerings by you, thereafter, signifies that you are indeed agreeing to be in compliance with the new Terms of Use from then on.

Any user or customer’s personal information and data shall be collected and managed by ChangeMyFile as per the terms set forth in our entity’s Privacy Policy. We urge you to read our Privacy Policy to understand how your personal data shall be collected, and managed by our entity. Further, we also request you to peruse our Terms of Use listed below, in order for you to ensure compliance with all of our terms and conditions.

Applicability of the Terms of Use

Our Offerings

ChangeMyFile provides a platform, our website which shall enable the Customer to upload their electronic files onto the website in order to convert them to the desired formats (extension types) by making use of our offerings.

ChangeMyFile provides its Customers with various supplementary offerings which enable the smooth conversion of the Customer’s files to their desired file types. Such offerings comprise the provision of a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform, our website, which provides the Customer with hosting services for uploading their original file, as well as file extension conversion services. These services as a whole facilitate the Customer to convert their files from the original file formats to their desired file formats, without being liable to pay a fee for the said offering.
The method that is followed for the process of file conversion through our website is as stated below.

In short, the offerings provide the Customer the facility to convert a file from its original file extension to the Customer-desired file extension. The offerings function by loading the uploaded Customer File onto the website server, converting it to the desired file type, and then directing the Customer to a download page, for them to download the converted file type to their system.

Privacy Policy

ChangeMyFile truly understands how essential data privacy is for all of our customers. For the same reason, we collect and manage only the minimum required amount of your Personal Information for the purpose of providing you with our offerings of high- quality and fast file conversions, without the requirement of having to register or create an account with us, for getting your files converted. The reference to Personal Information includes any sensitive information that relates to an identifiable individual and which can be used to directly or indirectly identify the said individual.

ChangeMyFile recognizes that it is a huge responsibility to be able to appropriately manage the customer data, and hence, we assure you that we take your data privacy very seriously. For the purpose of helping you understand how we handle your data, we would urge you to read our Privacy Policy by accessing the link _______________________ .

Our Trademarks and Proprietary Rights

It is to be acknowledged that in addition to ChangeMyFile itself, ChangeMyFile Limited is the sole owner of all ChangeMyFile trademarks, ChangeMyFile trade names seen on our offerings, the ChangeMyFile logo, ChangeMyFile service marks, as well as the ChangeMyFile product names. You may not use, copy, distribute, display, manipulate, or publically claim to own our Trademarks, our logo, service marks, or product names, under any given circumstance. ChangeMyFile does not claim rights to any other trademarks, logos, product names, or service marks that might appear on our website.

ChangeMyFile Limited holds the Proprietary Rights to, and is the sole owner of the title, right, and the offerings of ChangeMyFile. You acknowledge and agree that you may not copy, manipulate, modify, reproduce, sell, publically perform or publically display, transmit, transfer, or formulate derivate works from our offerings, as they are protected by trademark, and copyright laws of all countries. You also acknowledge and agree that all ChangeMyFile offerings are solely the intellectual property of ChangeMyFile Limited, alone.

Copyright Policy

By definition, Copyright infringement refers to the unauthorized modification, copying, distribution, public performance, or public display of the copyright holder’s copyrighted material.

ChangeMyFile expressly forbids Customers from infringing others’ copyrights or intellectual property rights while using our file extension conversion offerings, and since ChangeMyFile does not monitor Customer uploaded content unless required by law or to check your compliance to these Terms of Use, we strictly ask Customers to access, upload, or modify such copyrighted materials solely at their own risk.

ChangeMyFile will not be accountable for any type of damages claimed or caused by the use of our offerings, including the upload, conversion, or storage of such copyrighted content by the Customer on our website server. The Customer bears the total and sole responsibility for any activity leading to a claim of such damages by the copyright holder.

Data Accountability Policy

In general, the Customer data that ChangeMyFile deals with, manages, or collects, constitutes the information that is present in the files that you, the Customer, upload to our site for conversion, and the web server logs which accumulate your basic website usage data. This is the most basic information that most other sites collect, when you access them.

With respect to the contents of the file that you upload to our site for conversion, this information is never accessed or used by us, except for the purpose of converting your original file to your desired file type. The sole reason that the file is uploaded by you onto our website is, as stated, for the purpose of file extension conversion.

It is very important for you to note that the file uploaded by you to the ChangeMyFile website for file extension conversion is stored on the website server for the purpose of file conversion for a time period of two hours from the time of the file upload, after which, the file along with its contents gets automatically deleted from the website server.

We would like to assure you that we work extremely hard to maintain a secure website, and we try our best to keep the website and all of your personal data, safe from any external attacks. However, although very unlikely, if during this time period of two hours, there happens to be an unfortunate instance of an unpredicted hacking of our website, or data disclosure due to malicious external attacks, where the website data, including any such uploaded files, their contents, or your website activity data from the web server log files, gets illegally leaked to an external party, then:

Further, even though we always strive to ensure that our offerings are of the highest quality, and free from error, and though we continuously take suitable organizational as well as technical measures to facilitate security of your personal data:

General Responsibilities of the Customer

In addition to the terms of this agreement that you are expected to abide by, your use of our offerings is also conditional on your strict compliance to all of the following terms.

You agree to never use ChangeMyFile in a manner that may be legally, morally, or ethically inappropriate. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Attempting to obtain access to, manipulating and modifying in any way, or using the ChangeMyFile content that is not otherwise publically available.
  2. Attempting to gain access to ChangeMyFile’s IT estate, including but not limited to, its technical web servers, software, networks, or computer systems at any point of time.
  3. Attempting to encode automated systems such as bots, robots, software, or computer programs to make use of our offerings, especially in a continuous and non-proctored manner.
  4. Attempting to breach any ChangeMyFile authentication or security measures, or attempting to reverse-engineer, disassemble, decipher, or decompile the ChangeMyFile website, server, or systems for any reason, including but not limited to, personal gains, providing confidential ChangeMyFile information to any external party or competitors, or testing the susceptibility of the website, server, or any linked systems.
  5. Attempting to sell, lend, loan, lease, or license our offerings to a third party in any way, or trying to act as a representative of ChangeMyFile for any reason ; Attempting to misrepresent yourself as someone else, impersonate them, or misconstrue your relationship with any individual or entity.
  6. Attempting to prevent other Customers’ access to our offerings, either by technical methods, including but not limited to sending malware, viruses, or hacking the ChangeMyFile website, server, network, or systems, executing a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) to prevent ChangeMyFile from functioning accurately, mail-bombing, flooding, overloading, or spamming ChangeMyFile or its offerings, or by communicative methods of spreading negative comments about ChangeMyFile over the internet, or otherwise.
  7. Excessively consuming the ChangeMyFile resources and offerings to the extent that your required content conversions engage very high amounts of storage or CPU processing time; use up large amounts of server bandwidth; market, sell, or publicize access to the content on ChangeMyFile’s web server in any way, for your profit.
  8. Uploading, conveying, dispersing, or attempting to do so, any data or file (graphical, textual, content-based, data-based, or otherwise) containing material or content, which:
    •  Spreads or promotes hatred, harm, bigotry, or terrorism against any particular group, or individual (sexism, racism, homophobia, religious or political based hatred, or hatred of any other kind).
    • Spreads or promotes any form of torture, or terror.
    • Invades anyone’s privacy or personal space.
    • Is slanderous, insulting, or defamatory.
    • Is in any manner, false, half-true, or misleading.
    • Is graphic, offensive, pornographic, or obscene.
    • Displays, or promotes any form of child pornography, or harm to minors.
    • Displays, or promotes activities that are illegal, including but not limited to, selling human organs, selling illegal weapons, selling drugs, use of the dark web, or gambling.
    • Promotes any and all actions that are uncivil, or a violation to the law.
    • Infringes any individual or entity’s intellectual property rights, copyrights and trademarks.

ChangeMyFile has every right, as much as to the fullest extent of law, to scrutinize and impeach any form of non-compliance to any of the above listed terms. ChangeMyFile neither monitors any Customer’s use of its offerings, nor is it obligated to do so. However, you, the Customer, acknowledge and agree that ChangeMyFile reserves the right to monitor your access to our offerings and any associated activity, in order for us to ensure your agreement and compliance to these Terms of Use, or to comply with court orders, government, administrative, or legal bodies by the applicable law. You acknowledge and agree that ChangeMyFile shall comply with, and has the right to involve legal bodies, to impeach Customers violating these Terms of Use, especially cases involving exploitation of children or graphic content involving minors.

Disclaiming Liability

ChangeMyFile provides its offerings and services without any guarantee, warranty, or liability to you, the Customer. ChangeMyFile does not, in any form or manner, offer the customer any guarantees or warranties that our offerings will be continuously available to you without interruption, errors, or security-issues. ChangeMyFile also does not provide any guarantees or warranties that our offerings will meet your expectations or requirements. You expressly acknowledge and agree that ChangeMyFile will not be accountable for any damage caused to your files, your computer system, or the IT infrastructure of any other party, which results from the consumption or use of our offerings. You acknowledge and agree that you use ChangeMyFile at your own risk. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied with our offerings or their quality, then you agree to resign to discontinuing the use of ChangeMyFile’s offerings as the sole resolution.

In accordance to the highest permitted extent of the law, ChangeMyFile explicitly disclaims, with regards to but not limited to non-infringement, satisfactory quality, or fitness for a specific purpose, any and all forms of liability, conditions, warranties, or other such terms.

Force Majeure

There are various external uncontrollable factors due to which ChangeMyFile may be unable to provide its offerings to you, or there may be a delay in the provision of said offerings to you, at any point of time. You agree and acknowledge that you will not hold ChangeMyFile accountable for the inability to, or for delay of the provision of its offerings to you, due to factors that cannot be controlled by ChangeMyFile.

Final Terms

This Agreement

You acknowledge and understand that the Terms of Use constituting this Agreement, are set forth solely between you, the Customer, and ChangeMyFile, for its offerings. These Terms take precedence over, and supersede any previous agreements between you and ChangeMyFile. For the use of our offerings, you agree to comply with all these Terms of Use, at all times.