
GIF to BMP Converter

Convert .GIF into .BMP Files - Fast, Free and Secure. We also have information of .GIF and .BMP Files extensions on this page.

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Information about GIF
File extension
File category
Raster Image file
Stands for
Graphics Interchange Format
GIF is an image format which is known worldwide and it is used as a second option after JPEG. It offers high portability between OS(Operating Systems) and applications. Each picture can support up to 8 bits per pixel, as a resultant, it enables an image to have a separate palette of up to 256 distinct colours that are taken from the 24-bit RGB colour space. Furthermore, it is commonly used for web graphics, logos with solid colour and also for animated images. These files are saved as ‘animated GIFs' and it displays general animations on websites. Besides this, this format has the capability to blend varied colour backgrounds due to the presence of transparent pixels. It should be noted that pixels should be either fully transparent or opaque so that it doesn’t result in the faded picture.
Technical description
GIF is an inadequate format for colour photographs due to palette limitations. It enables an independent palette of up to 256 colors for a solo frame. These files are compressed using a lossless data compression algorithm known as LZW( Lempel-Ziv-Welch) and this algorithm was created by Abraham Lempel, Jacob Ziv and Terry Welch. It removes the unwanted colours that are not in use to compress raster data. The maximum limit which is permitted for colours is 256 and the minimum is 2 (black and white). Apart from this, it has a fixed-length header which gives the version and pixel dimensions are provided by the ‘logical screen' descriptor.
Information about BMP
File extension
File category
Image file (Raster)
Stands for
Bitmap image file
BMP format is used for Raster images. These images contain a grid of pixels and each pixel further depicts an individual colour within the image. In this, there can be varying levels of colour depths per pixel, as this criterion is entirely based on the file header which tells about the number of bits per pixel. The images stored is often uncompressed when they are 16 bpp and 32bpp. It is capable of storing only 2-dimensional images( both monochrome-single colour and colourful, with numerous colour depths). A user does not require a graphics adapter to view this file. It is not a popular format these days as it takes lots of time to upload, send and download, due to its large size.
Technical description
BMP file format comes up with the option of data compression, colour profiles and alpha channels. Alpha composting results in partial or fully transparent images which are done by incorporating or mixing one image with a background. Exchanging bitmaps between devices and applications is possible due to a unique representation of colour bitmaps of distinct colour depths, defined by Microsoft. That is why it is termed as a device-independent bitmap file format(DIBs). Additionally, it has both fixed-size and variable-sized structures. This format follows structures in the order given ahead- bitmap file header(stores general information), DIB header(Contains detailed information including pixel format), Extra bitmasks(Define pixel format), colour table( define colours used), Gap 1(Structure alignment), a Pixel array(Actual values of a pixel), Gap 2(Structure alignment)and ICC colour profile(Colour management).

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