
HDR to JPG Converter

Convert .HDR into .JPG Files - Fast, Free and Secure. We also have information of .HDR and .JPG Files extensions on this page.

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- Information about HDR
File extension
File category
Raster Image file
Stands for
High Dynamic Range
These files are also termed as Radiance HDR or HDRI. This format is used to store raster images or digital photos. In this, there is a grid of pixels where every pixel depicts a solo color within the image. Additionally, it has the ability to enrich the color and bring brightness to the pictures. Furthermore, it works well while processing the dark shadows and also on the washed-out areas of a picture. Hence, it is very useful to capture real-world scenes that have high brightness or direct sunlight and as well as extremely shady area or fainted nebulae. These images are the result of numerous different and narrow range exposures of the same matter.
Technical description
HDR images offer the same luminance(an amount of light that is either emitted from or passes through or reflected from a particular area) that of the human visual system. ‘Stops’- Exposure Value differences are used to measure the dynamic range of photography. To double the amount of light, there should be an increase of one exposure value or one stop. Contrary, to decrease the amount of light to half of its value, there should be a decrease of one EV or one stop. Consequently, the darkest parts of shadows require high exposures when something in detail is to be revealed and low exposures are needed when there is a high level of brightness. It uses bracketing which means several shots are taken of the same subject using varied camera settings. Then these images are merged using a photo manipulation program to produce a single image.
- Information about JPG
File extension
File category
Raster Image
Stands for
Joint photographic experts group
The JPEG group
Files stored in this format are small in size that is why they can be uploaded and downloaded with ease. It takes less time over the internet to upload and download due to smaller size which results in saving of bandwidth. This extension is compressed using a lossy algorithm that is why there can be a reduction in the quality of the photograph. It has the ability to compress the file to one-tenth of its original size. It is widely used in emails and also when images are to be posted on websites. Digital Cameras and other photographic image capture devices widely use this JPG format. The paintings and photos of realistic scenes that have smooth variations of colour can be best illustrated by this format.
Technical description
A technique used in JPEG format to compress files is lossy compression which is based on DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) as it is the most practical Mathematical operation. The DCT actually converts each frame of the video from the spatial domain to a frequency/transform domain. It discards the information of high frequency that has sharp transitions in intensity as well as in colour hue. Furthermore, this standard defines a codec which tells how an image can be encoded into a stream of bytes and decoded back into an image. The files can be compressed in the ratio of 100:1 but that would result in the poor quality of an image. Therefore, to retain the quality of a photo, a file should be compressed till 20:1 ratio not more than that.
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