
TXT to PNG Converter

Convert .TXT into .PNG Files - Fast, Free and Secure. We also have information of .TXT and .PNG Files extensions on this page.

- Information about TXT
File extension
File category
Document file
Stands for
Raw text file
TXT is the file format which is used to store standard text where information is put together with no special effects. A computer file system is used to pile up the data. This unformatted text is just a series of text where only the font style can be altered. This is especially used to make notes in which the appearance of things do not matter. Microsoft Notepad and Apple TextEdit are the two examples of this plain text software. The corrupted data can be retrieved with ease and one can continue his work on the same file. The main advantages of this are the sequence of bytes in storage (endianness) and padding bytes that is inserting of empty bytes between memory addresses. Contrary, entropy is a demerit in this format which means that it takes more storage space than required.
Technical description
In TXT, there is no need for additional metadata, the reader is only expected to know the character set. ASCII is the most compatible in this case where it comprises of letters, numbers and symbols or special characters. In Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS, Carriage return (CR) and Line feed (LF) are the two characters that are used to separate the text of each line. CR act as a control character which resets itself to the beginning of the current line text. On the other hand, LF indicates the end of a line of the text and it moves to the opening of a new line. These files are especially used to keep the source code where file name suffixes indicate the programming language in which source is penned.
- Information about PNG
File extension
File category
Raster image file
Stands for
Portable Network Graphics
PNG development Group(Donated to World wide web Consortium/ W3C)
These files are commonly termed as ‘ping' and they store the raster files using lossless compression. It came into existence in order to replace the GIF file format as they both have the ability to show transparent backgrounds. Furthermore, it was an enhanced and improved version of Graphics Interchange format. It supports different types of photos. The first one is palette-based photographs that can either have palettes of 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA colours. Second is grayscale images which may or may not have an alpha channel for transparency. Lastly, there is a full-colour non-palette which is based on RGB/RGBA pictures. There is one limitation of this type. It does not support animation like GIF. Besides this, it is non-patented which means there are no copyright limitations.
Technical description
The expanded features like 8- bit channel for transparency and 24- bit RGB support make PNG more popular. The files stores in this format allow the fading of colours from opaque to transparent which is not present in the preceding format. CMYK does not offer support to this extension as it was developed for transferring of files over the internet, not for professional-quality print graphics. It stores information like textual comments, integrity checks and encoded basic pixels in its extensible structure of chunks. It always starts with an 8-byte signature followed by a series of chunks. A chunk furthermore comprises of four parts- length (4 bytes), chunk type (4 bytes), chunk data (length bytes) and CRC- Cyclic redundancy checksum or code (4 bytes).
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